Leading through vulnerability

Vulnerability can cause us shame and grief. But it’s also the birthplace of joy, innovation, creativity and change. In this talk at HR Vision in London, England, in 2014, Shannon shares tales of both personal and company vulnerability and how positive transformation can emerge from these experiences.

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Why friends at work matter

Why friends at work matter

Research shows that people with a best friend at work are seven times more likely to be motivated and productive. In 2016, Shannon shared thoughts around why friends at work matter with attendees of the Happy Workplaces Conference in London, England.

Building social leadership skills to thrive in a modern workplace

Building social leadership skills to thrive in a modern workplace

In this session at the 2017 Global Conference for the World Institute for Action Learning (WIAL) in Shanghai. China, Shannon draws upon recent societal changes and learnings from neuroscience to demonstrate why top-down, authoritative leadership styles are no longer adequate and how coaching and action learning can help create an agile, connected organization through the development of new social leadership skills.

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