Take a free self-assessment to test your social leadership readiness

To be a social leader means extending your perspective to consider how your decisions impact the broader community around you. If you’d like to check your readiness for social leadership, spend 10-15 minutes and complete this free self-assessment from Be Leadership. The questions will help you consider the skills that you have that support your success and where you can focus to increase your impact.

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Download the Because learning journal

Download the Because learning journal

If you are reading Because and would like some extra support to help you go deeper in your reflection, this learning journal is for you. A self-guided coaching document, this learning journal complements Because and helps you get the most from the book.

Clarify your passions

Clarify your passions

If you are reading Because and working on articulating your purpose, a helpful resource is this “What I love” exercise that helps you reflect on your passions. Passions are observed in activities that we have boundless energy for. We love and never tire of our...

Want to create a Because book club?

Want to create a Because book club?

This discussion guide is designed to be a resource for you if you are a team, book club or learning circle who are reading Because together. While it’s up to you how you use these questions, it can be helpful to schedule sessions weekly over 2-3 months and meet after each chapter to share reflections and talk through your individual insights. You can use these questions to support a rich conversation. Many thanks to colleagues McKenzie Lane and Stacey Darlington for helping to develop this guide!

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